Monday, May 21, 2007


Following these simple tips can go a long way in helping you surf and transact on the Internet and yet stay out of the net spread by these phishers.

1.Do not respond to mails that you think are not genuine.

2.Do not provide confidential information in response to e-mails purportedly from your service provider.

3.If in doubt, call up your service provider over the help line or go to the website by typing the address on your browser and check whether they have sent you any request for information or verification.

4.If it is not a genuine mail, report the fact with details to your service provider.Do not click on links on e-mails, even though the URL address may seem genuine, as it may be masked. It is always better to type the URL address in your browser.

5.Do not fill any details in pop-up windows that appear when you click on any links, as they may be fraudulent.Check if a site is secure before entering any confidential information or making financial transactions and check the security certificate.

6.Install the latest anti-virus and anti-spyware software.You can also install a phishing filter and use mailing software that is capable of protecting against spam and phishing.

7.While making financial transactions through the Internet, you can use virtual credit cards, like the net-safe credit card offered by HDFC Bank, to protect your credit card details from being misused.

8.Do not open attachments from people you do not trust, especially those sounding very urgent or alluring to protect your computer from malware or spyware.

9.Regularly change passwords on all your online accounts to prevent misuse and do not repeat old passwords when asked to change them.

10.Regularly open and review your online accounts and check transaction history. If you do so, you might be able to report and block any possible misuse or fraud at an early stag.

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